Africa ELTA Open Educational Resources (OER) Bank

Africa ELTA is the first English Language Teacher Association to start an OER project!

As part of our continuous effort towards diversity, equity, inclusion, and access, Africa ELTA Board is pleased to announce starting a new project for creating a bank of open educational resources (Africa ELTA OER Bank) on the Africa ELTA website. The purpose of this bank of resources is to store and distribute free open-access instructional materials available for Africa ELTA members and the wider international ELT community. To adhere to quality submissions, creating and posting the resources on the website must follow the guidelines announced by Africa ELTA.

To mentor and support English language teachers to create OER and successfully submit them to Africa ELTA, we offered training workshops organized by Africa ELTA and led by four experts in creating OER. The recordings of these training sessions are available on Africa ELTA Youtube on the following links:

Training Session Part 1 Click HERE

Training Session Part 2 Click HERE

Review and Feedback Session Click HERE

Rubric evaluation session Click HERE

To submit your OER to Africa ELTA, please follow the following steps:

  • Watch the recordings to learn about the steps for adapting and creating your OER - Create your OER and send it to Africa ELTA at

  • You can use the checklist on this link to make sure your submission follows the OER guidelines.

  • Identify learning outcomes. Clearly state the purpose of the OER.

  • Identify the target audience for the intended level of proficiency, age, and teaching context. For level of proficiency, the CEFR Levels may provide a useful description of proficiency if you need a reference.

  • Remove any identifying/personalized characteristics.

  • Balance content and practice in the material. Include learning activities that recycle new information and foster the skills of learning to learn. Review How to Turn a PPT into an OER for guidance.

  • Use level-appropriate language when adapting texts. Review Adapting an OER Text for English Language Learners for guidance. Avoid using difficult or complex language.

  • Provide opportunities for self-assessment, such as multiple-choice questions, concept questions, and comprehension tests. Use inclusive language that crosses cultures and times. Adopt a gender-free and user-friendly conversational style in the active voice.

  • Consider whether your OER will be printed out, usable off-line, or is suitable for mobile use.

  • Add a Creative Commons license to the materials, with the date of publication and author name, if you want others to credit you for the work.

  • Add metadata.

  • In Word or PowerPoint: File > Info > Properties > Advanced Properties > Add title, author, and keywords. This will facilitate a searcher’s ability to find your resource!

  • Save your file in an editable format YES Word: .docx PowerPoint: .pptx NO PDF, .pps

  • You can join the Africa ELTA OER WhatsApp group to exchange ideas and share any questions while working on your OER on this link

For any questions about this project, please contact Africa ELTA at