
Africa ELTA Newsletter

Africa ELTA welcomes you to its Newsletter page, where you can find information about the organization and the different activities we engage in. Happy reading! 

Newsletter Call For Submissions 

AFRICA ELTA Newsletter Winter Issue Call for Papers

The Africa ELTA Newsletter encourages submission of articles on topics of significance to English language professionals in Africa

and beyond. We hereby announce accepting submissions for Winter Issue and Summer Issue. We welcome submissions from

English language teachers, educators, instructors and professors from Africa and outside Africa ELT contexts.

Please take note of the following guidelines as you submit your article:

- Articles should not be more than 1000 words

- For citations (in-text and the list of references), please use the Publications Manual of the American Psychological

Association, seventh edition (APA)

- Use a space between paragraphs instead of indenting

- The title of the article must be typed in upper case (capital letters)

- The article must have 20 to 30 words abstract (This is a short paragraph that tells the reader what the article is all about)

- The photo (in JEPG file) of the author must be submitted separately, not as part of the article

- Submissions should conclude with a 20 -30 words bio about the author/s

- All figures (charts, tables, diagrams, and photographic images) must have captions. The acceptable format is JEPG

- The main text must be written in Times New Roman, font size 12

The decision to include the submitted figures is made by the Editor pending space limits and relevance of photos to the content.

Submit articles in Microsoft Word (as a .doc or .docx file) as an email attachment in a message to the Editor at

Deadline for submissions for Winter Issue is 15 February 2024.